Vulgar Lessons

Volume I of "The Paranoia Cycle," set in the present, is an exploration of inherent fear, manipulation by terror, through a shroud of secrecy, darkness and clandestine activity. Embark upon a spine-tingling journey of suspense, intrigue, conspiracy and deception. Final stop: PsychoSociety, on a perpetual ManicMonday, USA, PlanetHELL. (fiction based on FACT; all names/places changed). 1995-2006Copyrite/copyrights: all rights reserved by author: CLAYTON LEON WINTON.

My Photo
Location: Spokane, Washington, United States

I live in the middle of the Kaniksu National Forest on the Priest River with my four wonderful pets, where we are attempting to build a cabin. Contact: Clayton Winton 1818 E 16th, Spokane, WA 99203 Clayton.Winton@Yahoo.Com

Thursday, November 24, 2005

VulgarLessons - Vol.I of "The Paranoia Cycle"

"Vulgar Lessons" is Volume I of a seven volume set I have written over the past ten years, called, "The Paranoia Cycle," by me, the author, CLAYTON LEON WINTON.

The Parnoia Cycle, set in the present, is an exploration of inherent fear, manipulation by terror, through a shroud of secrecy, darkness and clandestine activity. Embark upon a spine-tingling journey of suspense, intrigue, conspiracy and deception. Final stop: PsychoSociety, on a perpetual ManicMonday, USA, PlanetHELL.

Volume I, Vulgar Lessons
Volume II, Brutal Honesty
Volume III, Tryst By Knight
Volume IV, Syndicated Liars
Volume V, Formula To Conspire (GenesisDeception)
Volume VI, The Incubator
Volume VII, Obscene Truths


Authors Note I:
The first two volumes were submitted for publication to Alfred A. Knopf publishers in 1996. I submitted to two other publishers and received one rejection slip. During this period of time, I was very involved in my regular work and moving around. It is unknown where the three original copies (other than the real 'original copies') are currently at, nor their publication status.


Authors Note II: Chronological Synopsis. This is several pages of 'queue-cards' for the reader, outlining time-chronology. It probably will not format in a blog correctly, but I will make an effort, perhaps later, but it is my intention to share with the reader several chapters from each of my volumes.


Acknowledgements: The author wishes to thank:

My pets for making me laugh
Jackie H. for advice with the original binding (and for always being so nice)
B. for technical insight into electronic paraphernalia
S. for inside govt info (sorry you broke the law by telling -- where are you?)
L. for a long-ago encounter with truth (what I've learned you wouldn't believe)
My Aunt Sue and Uncle Lloyd for all their unspoken acceptance
The architects that built the Post Office in downtown Spokane, WA., USA
Lori for her faith and love (I know it's still there)
M. for all the love and understanding (even when you didn't)
Mizar, Jumbo, Dharpa, Sai, Cheddar-Cheeser, and now Rhasta -- I miss you


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