Vulgar Lessons

Volume I of "The Paranoia Cycle," set in the present, is an exploration of inherent fear, manipulation by terror, through a shroud of secrecy, darkness and clandestine activity. Embark upon a spine-tingling journey of suspense, intrigue, conspiracy and deception. Final stop: PsychoSociety, on a perpetual ManicMonday, USA, PlanetHELL. (fiction based on FACT; all names/places changed). 1995-2006Copyrite/copyrights: all rights reserved by author: CLAYTON LEON WINTON.

My Photo
Location: Spokane, Washington, United States

I live in the middle of the Kaniksu National Forest on the Priest River with my four wonderful pets, where we are attempting to build a cabin. Contact: Clayton Winton 1818 E 16th, Spokane, WA 99203 Clayton.Winton@Yahoo.Com

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Vulgar Lessons - pg2


This novel would never have been possible without the encouragement, allegiance and fancy of several remarkable people. To Karen F., whom listened and heard; to my father; to my mom; my sister; but especially Marcus Mckibben, thank you Marcus, this one is for you. I love you all.

Clayton L. Winton

NK-June 1995


Cast Of Characters:

Trident Family - Ultra-secretive Operations Group. No mottos, no slogans.
Victor Kline - Leader of the Trident Family Control Group and personal friend of several Presidents.

Trident Family Control Group:

Victor Kline: father to the first lady, Elizabeth
Orem Knoble: renouned economic theorist
Albert Canton: Old(new)-money, oil-man
Elissa Pederson, very religious, old-money heiress
Bernice Seymore, religious extremist, also an old-money heiress

Knight Kingdom: secret group of Trident defectors. Knight Motto: Trip The Trident!

Senator Scotty Persons - Leader of the Knight Kingdom and a US Senator, has numerous powerful friends, including President Barrimore and Dr. Manny Lowe.

Knight High Council

Scotty Persons, Souther Senator
Perry Treadmore, Dir Ops/IRS cover in Spokane, WA., USA
Collier van Horn, elusive geriatric techno-punk
Ellen Green, Experimental medical/biogenetesistPsy Researcher
Sheila Pensky, wealthy neurosurgeon

Honorary Control Group Members: Sarah Tschetter and Stephen Tschetter

Ann Smith: Formidable freelance hi-tech thief and BlackOps operative
aka Anna Schmidt (as known by a certain nursing staff; Betty A., and the Tschetters)
aka Ashley Schmitt (as known by Bryant; old college crowd)

Director Terrance: Runs CCC.Inc., Compound and Trident Operative
Cornelius Aimes
Betty Aimes - married to Director Aimes
Linda Aimes-Swanstrom - daughter of Betty and Terri Aimes; married Trident Operative Bryant Swanstrom
Clarence - Twin brother to Director Aimes and ...
Copernicus Aimes, Trident Operative

Dr. Robert A. Milner : CCC.Inc research scientist, and inventor of time-displacement technology
Dr. Sandra Cravon : CCCC.Inc research scientist

Richard Harding : Administrative Assistant to Dir. Aimes and also an undecover operative of THE LEGEND, Ann Smith's employ.

John Huang : LAPD Detective; ex-lover of Ann Smith's
Susan Huang: Wife of Jon; murdered by Ann Smith

Adam Albright: Recruited by Ann Smith to be a 'patsy' to her operations

Stephen Tschetter: Past lover of and whose life was ruined by the Trident's Brian Swanson
Sarah Tschetter: Only sister of Stephan, seeks help of Knights in rescueing brother from unknowns
Tom Tschetter : Cult member, abandoned his kids to Stephan

Brian Swanson: Trident Family Operative: married Aimes' daughter
aka Bryant Swanstrom ... and ex-lover of Stephen T's

Billy Rodriquez : LAPD Ex-partner with Jon Huang
Sally Perez : Billy's live-in girlfriend

William Hodgkins : sold motorhome to Perry
Louise Hodgkins : wife of William


Phillip Roecks : Truck driver killed on I-10
and 'lil Teaser
Mrs. Margaret Roecks : Wife of Phillip
Joline Roecks : 10-yr old daughter
Paul Roecks : Youngest Roeck's child
Jase Roecks : Phil's brother (Montana)
Mary Schoenzenbach Ann's (Margaret's) sister (Salt Lake)


Dr. Manny Lowe : Claire Powell's neighbor, a psychiatrist
Dr. Michelle Strictland : Knight assistance researcher and double-agent
Glen Coe : public relations man at CDC in Atlanta, GA
Alexander Haynes : Post Master General


Stanley A. Barrimore : President of the United States of America
Elizabeth P. Kline-Barrimore : First Lady; daughter of Victor Kline

Randy North : Vice President
Claire Powell : First female Dep-Dir Intelligence, CIA
Warren Chambers : Director, CIA
Danny Morris : Director, FBI
David Heinz : #1 FBI man, West Coast
Arthur Tubbs : Economic advisor and aide to President Barrimore
James Borrows : Justice Department Examiner
Pete Williams : Governor of California
Lauren Hubbard : Western Regional Director, IRS
Phyllis McCreggor : Legal Counsel to the President
Marty Phelps : Legal aide to the President
Paul Hensmore : Attorney General
Douglas Bretz : Chairman, Joint Chiefs
Alexander Haynes : Post Master General

THE MEDIA PLAYERS : "Syndicated Liars"

Steve Newport : CBN News Commentator : "Meet Your Guest"
Allison Maxtor : CBN Correspondent
George Abel : CBN Correspondent
Barbara Ball : Leading CBN Commentator : "24-Hours"
Paul Salfer : Commentator : "Greet The Media"
Kerrie Marsailles : Commentator : "Greet The Media"
Ojawa Yamakoji : President of the CBN Network
Mark Hanning : TNB Correspondent
Charles Auston : CBN Chief Executive Officer

Joe Matts : Satelite TV station owner
Patrick Matts : son of Joe, cameraman and makeup artist

*some characters will not appear in all seven volumes


PART ONE: "Altercations"

from Victor Kline's Journal, Entry 1-3

The First Vulgar Lesson: also called, 'The Big Secret,' in intelligence, counter-intelligence, underground networking, dope smuggling, terrorist plotting and all forms of undercover functions and routines is, "Normality," the necessity to never appear 'secretive' in method or act. IN PLAIN SIGHT, onlookers must never perceive any covert action as unordinary, all acts must appear entirely commonplace, disciplined, and precisely ordinary. This lesson is fundamnetal to the success of any operation, foreign or domestic. All operatives must not, under any circumstances, draw attention toward themselves, nor the department, agency, organization, terrorist group, cult or cabal upon whose behalf they are acting.

The SECOND Vulgar Lesson: also called, "The Big Lie," in successful intelligence-operations is, "Deniability." In the event an operative is to be caught red-handed, the act must be immediately deniable, both the acts themselves and the presence of the accused. Alternative sets of believable circumstances should lie in waiting; each providing solid evidence that would justify and validate the operative's presence at the scene of detection. In addition, the organization must be prepared to deny knowledge of the incident, proving beyond ANY DOUBT, if need be, that the individual accused was NEVER an employee nor affiliate of the Controlling-Interest to ANY DEGREE.

The THIRD Vulgar Lesson: also called, "The Big Truth," is 'EXPENDABILITY,' the FACT that any person possessing knowledge of, or activities performed by, secret organizations and its members, is living on the BORROWED-TIME of that organization. Frankly, their lives are 100-percent expendable. To the organization, these individuals are the greatest risk and need be eliminated. This lesson applied to members and non-members alike, including current, -ex, and THE PUBLIC AT LARGE.


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