Vulgar Lessons

Volume I of "The Paranoia Cycle," set in the present, is an exploration of inherent fear, manipulation by terror, through a shroud of secrecy, darkness and clandestine activity. Embark upon a spine-tingling journey of suspense, intrigue, conspiracy and deception. Final stop: PsychoSociety, on a perpetual ManicMonday, USA, PlanetHELL. (fiction based on FACT; all names/places changed). 1995-2006Copyrite/copyrights: all rights reserved by author: CLAYTON LEON WINTON.

My Photo
Location: Spokane, Washington, United States

I live in the middle of the Kaniksu National Forest on the Priest River with my four wonderful pets, where we are attempting to build a cabin. Contact: Clayton Winton 1818 E 16th, Spokane, WA 99203 Clayton.Winton@Yahoo.Com

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Vulgar Lessons -pg4

(Note: the author wishes to thank Cara Coon for her assisance in editing the text).


Chapter I


December 24, 2:15PM
Spokane, Washington, USA

Sarah Tschetter had stocked the house with as much food as she could afford before the onset of the Christmas season. She had even decorated a smaller pine tree in the front yard with wooden ornaments, tiny white lights and plastic candy canes. The same stockings she had used as a small child hung over the mantel on the fireplace. Hand stitched, one displayed her name and the other the name of her brother, Stephen, just as their mother had done for each youngster so many Christmases before.

Opening several bags of candy, Sarah scooped the tiny morsels out by the handfuls and poured them into the stockings, replacing each, lovingly, to its proper place over the mantel. A little three-colored "corn" fell to the floor by her feet. Stooping for the errant morsel, Sarah was suddenly filled with memories of so many other holidays. The tiny kernel shaped candies were as much an important trandition as the days themselves. She picked up the piece and threw it into the fireplace, only to reach her hand inside her own stocking in search of another. Finding several, she put one in her mouth and the texture, as much as the taste, recreated a stunning series of forgotten events.

Suddenly overcome with memories, she too a seat by the fire and allowed the meaningful candies to stir solemn recollections. Sarah studied the three bands of colors as though each contained a recognition code, furthering the release of her misplaced thoughts. She had never felt so lonely and in all of her twenty-nine years she had yet to spend a Christmas season entirely alone. Her father would be unable to fly over as he said; he was too involved in his work this year. Sarah's mother had passed away, succumbing to cancer after a long struggle and poor Stephan did not even know. Poor Stephen, she thought, as tears sprang to her eyes. She and her brother had always been close, so tight, always there for each other. Fate had twisted out unbelievably harsh designs upon her family. Oftentimes she found the thoughts overwhelming ad preferred ignorance to reminders.

Stephan had said, repeatedly, for the past several years, "Help me, Sarah! 'They' are watching me. My life is being taken over! We've got to do something. Please!"

Mental illness had never been a part of her family's ancestral tree, until Stephan. Stephan's paranoid delusions may have been drug-induced. He freely partook in all forms of "partying," and the doctors had mentioned that cocaine and methyl-amphetamine users often became paralyzed with "situational fear," as they called it. Stephan swore he was not paranoid and denied the diagnosis, at first. Then he said he was, maybe "a little paranoid." Then he clearly admitted to being so scared that he could no longer sleep and the deprivation had caused him to be unquestionably mad.

He named his delusional antagonists, calling them, "Fate Molders," or "Transformers of Fate," something like that, anyway. Later, as he melded into the "Paranoid Network" and traded delusions with others -- all of which were sent by "Them" to further confuse his mind -- he fixated upon a single name, "Trident." He seemed to think of "Them" as this huge secret network that worked for the government -- or was autonomous from the government, actually -- and "They" were responsible for producing both citizens, and noncitizens alike. Stephan thought "They" had quotas to meet: X number of college graduates, X number of drug addicts; X number of wealthy; X number of poor; prisons to be kept at a minimum number of X inmates, etc, by design. He was even convinced that "They" were responsible for creating, distributing and monitoring the deadly AIDS virus, not to mention guns, drugs, and most forms of criminal activity.

Stephan had no doubts in his mind about any of this. To him, it was the only "Truth," and in his words, the "Church of Them" ruled over all the streams and rivers, mountains, plains and valleys, animal and man alike."

With a pervasive sense of sadness, Sarah thought about her brother's altered reality, wondering for the millionth time if his "Truth" contained any real truth at all. In her situation those thoughts were the worst detractors from her own state of mental well-being. For with the thought came undeniable guilt. It was not possible to ignore feeling that if anything her brother had ever said were true, then she had blatantly ignored him. Not in blatancy, literally, but she had turned her back on him when he would have needed her more than at any other time during their lives.

The guilt was sickening her. For her own sanity, she tried to think of other things, anything else, desperately attempting to relive more pleasant memories. Instead, her mind worked in a circle. Moments later, she began to rehash the endless nightmare. One thing became abundantly clear. If her brother was really insane, as she was reluctantly inclined to believe, then she could forgive him. She could forgive all and everything, the pain, torment, and outright psychological abuse which he had caused her and the rest of the family. However, if -- and she knew this was a big "if" -- if it turned out, somehow, that there really was "Fate Transformers," and she had denied her brother, her flesh and blood, by turning her back on him, then she could never forgive ... herself.

(It's easier to perpetuate the blaming, in denial of one's own guilt).

Sarah never lived a day without thinking of Stephan and the horror of what his life had become. Often, she would awake at night, with a picture hovering before her mind's eye, of a hospital room. These events would transpire somewhere near her ceiling, tubes and masks covering the identity of the unconscious patient lying in waste upon the bed. The mask would peal away and she would stifle screams as the twisted, disfigured and hardly recognizable face of Stephan were revealed. His hand would reach forward suddenly, his swollen eyes opening as his lips parted to mouth the words, "Help me, Sarah! Help me!" It was a revolting dream, more like a flashback for it had occured in both the night and day, all happening within an instant, as though by telepathic communication.

Sarah embraced the ideas of such things as telepathy, psychometry, astral projection, and telekinesis. She also entertained vague concepts concerning energy fields akin to George Lucas' "The Force," though she did not use those exact words. Sarah did not believe in ghosts, poltergeists, evil spirits, Satans/devils, God/gods/goddesses or possessions as associated with typical teachings and practices of Catholicism and similar religious sects and cults. "Mind control for peasants," was her personal view on most religious matters, preferring to establish a personal relationship within herself regarding her "higherself" and her associated position within the whole Universe. When her beliefs were questioned, she answered, simply, "I have none." If pressed for viewpoints, she often replied without sarcasm, "None of your goddamned business."

Throwing another log on the fire, Sarah poked at it somberly while mentally projecting an image toward her brother, who was at the convalescent center some forty-five miles south of her home. She had every reason to believe that some type of "connection" were possible, if given the proper "signal-boost" through a basic underlying belief that it would work. Regularly, she projected her love and support, occasionally sending entire mental dialogues of what she had been doing and what she had been feeling while doing it. She had no idea whether Stephan could register the mental images, but it never dissuaded her from trying. Sarah "projected" unfailingly every day, every night, and intermittently while attending to various tasks.

(Genetic-electronic, biometric knowledge concerning the "TheThirdEye" was unknown to her at this time).

"Stephan, I have no idea if you can hear me, but I want you to know that being alone on Christams, without you, is very sad. I miss you so much! God, how I miss our mom! And our dad, but he says he needs to work and can't be here. I don't think he's telling the truth, Stephan. It just hurts him too much. I don't think he can stand the pain. I don't care if he has to lie about it, and I hope he's fishing for a marlin in a boat off the Hawaiian Islands and not sitting around a gloomy house and pouting like I am. I know it doesn't seem to make any difference, Stephan, but Happy Christmas, anyway. Please get better. Please come home!"

However, Sarah had nearly given up hope on ever having such pleasant events as those occur. It had been ten months since Stephan's brain had seemingly "shutdown." The doctors, at a loss to explain such a thing, ha taken extensive interviews with Sarah and other members of the family. Even close friends were included. Desperate to formulate a plausible-sounding explanation, the doctors had described certaint traits of Stephan's unusual personality as clear "symptoms." They had even gone as far as to say his "symptoms" were evidential years in the past, but had been overlooked by doctors of lesser experience than themselves.

(Failure to believe the doctors' Theories, therefore, "TheoryWorship," was met with scorn.)

In Sarah's mind, it was all "bullshit." They just didn't know and were not inclined to admit the obvious. Although the various hospitals and medical specialists had conducted countless tests, uincluding toxicological studies, nothing could be conclusively proved and no diagnosis or subsequent prognosis could be made. In desperation, Sarah, with her father's money, had taken Stephan to a Naturopath to undergo a different series of toxicological batteries. Those lab results tested the chemical reaction of thousands of naturally occuring toxins when mixed with samplings of Stephan's blood. No link to his current problems could be found, though a few minor allergic conditions were proven to exist.

"I know it 't-t-Them.' Help me, Sarah!" were Stephan Tschetter's last known spoken words. Sarah had spent nearly eleven-thousand dollars of her inheritance money before it was received to hire an independent laboratory to test all of the food stuffs, vitamins, bathroom and kitchen cleaning-supplies, including various household goods in Stephan's apartment. Again, there was nothing proven, nothing to prove, just a waist of time and money. However, in Sarah's mind, she had done everything possible to prove "They," whoever "They" may be, could not have been responsible for Stephan's condition through continuous poisoning or blood tainting.

(It never occured to her to check the water-supply, nor the sewer-pipes, where a 'sniffer-snake' had been inserted from the man-hole cover in the street, altering Stephan's apartment's environment).

So, on the fourth of March, upon the advice of friends, she reluctantly agreed to place Stephan in a convalescent center. Sadly, there was nothing left for her to do, Stephan's objections going unvoiced as he could no longer speak intelligible sounds. His every move had been reduced to the clumsiness of a newborn, and Sarah could not possibly care for him at home by herself.

After the mental exercise in front of the fireplace had been completed, Sarah was overcome with deep emotion. Long ago she felt her last tears over the matter had dried. Realizing the emptiness of a lonely holiday refilled her cascading pain, the sudden onslaught of deep depression, quite moist, and overflowing again. Finishing the last words of her "projection" to Stephan, tears running down her cheecks, she longed for the companionship that had been unfairly stolen from her. She clutched a pillow against her breasts and folded her knees, rocking back and forth, grieving for all the losses suffered throughout the most tragic year of her life.

While Sarah was crying, her best and truest friend in the whole world came to her, bearing comfort. "Meow?" her friend asked, looking up with concern and affection. The cat purred and butted against her legs, offering encouragement, companionship and unfailing support.

"Oh, Ramses!" she cried, picking up and stroking the furry bundle of love, "We're all alone this year. Just you and me." She scratched him around the ears and under the collar as he purred with delight.

Collecting herself, she suddenly spoke to Ramses more brightly, asking, "Want a Kitty Treat? I got some really good ones at the store. You're going to like these. Salmon, I think." She set the cat back on the floor and rose to her feet, tossing the pillow by the couch. Just as she turned toward the kitchen, the doorbell rang.

The sound startled her as it was so unexpected. Sarah had no plans for visitors or guests, nor had she agreed to meet anyone. Sarah was the type of person that adamantly insisted upon calling first, where "dropping-by" was strictly forbidden. She was known to stand at the kitchen window doing dishes while blatantly ignoring the door, unannounced visitors be damned. Even if a rude "guest" walked around the side of the house and jumped up and down in front of the windows, she'd not share her time. For some reason, the discourtesy really pissed her off.

On this cold early-afternoon, perhaps because the next day was Christmas, she felt a softening within her and a bit more generous toward those who were not aware of her rules. Perhaps it was her pervasive sense of loneliness, but she halted her errand to find Ramses' treat and chose to answer the door instead.

"Sarah Tschetter?" a woman asked, a total stranger to Sarah.


"My name is Ellen Green. It's imperative that I speak with you immediately. The matter is most urgent. May I come in?"

Impulsively, Sarah nearly slammed the door after such a pushy opening by a complete stranger. For some reason, however, she did not feel intimidated by the woman and her abruptness. In the newcomer's favor, by a random roll of the die, was the fact that Sarah "felt" no inherent danger by allowing the woman access in to her home. A man, possibly, may have been treated to a different set of rules.

After only a brief hesitation, Sarah casually mumbled, "I suppose. Take a seat by the fire. I'll join you shortly." She then waved the woman to the den while busying herself with sweeping away with little snow had been tracked in. It gave her a moment to study her guest, and the guest a moment to study Sarah's home. Shortly, Sarah walked in to the den and took a seat opposite Ellen Green.

"What is the nature of your visit?" Sarah asked, choosing to be as abrupt with her words as the woman had been at the door.

"It's about your brother, Stephan."

"You were a friend of his?"


"Is this another money scam, where you claim my brother owes you and now you've come to me to collect?"

"Absolutely not! Please allow me to explain."

"Please do, but as you can see, I'm preparing for the Holidays, lonely though they may be."

"That's why I'm here, Miss Tschetter. We must leave immediately for Fairfield and get Stephan out of that hospital. Time is critical."

Sarah was dumbfounded. What was this woman thinking, her brother was off to camp?

"Sarah, listen very carefully to everything I am telling you," the woman said, her voice becoming doubly intense, earnest. Ellen Green reached across the short distance to place a hand on Sarah's knee, their eyes locking. "Stephan Tschetter is alive inside his shell. He is alive, Sarah. Yesterday, our scientists isolated a compound that we believe has been slowly administered into his blood stream over a long period. I flew here from Virginia immediately to meet with you and gain your cooperation. If Stephan is given additional doses, maybe another two or three months' worth, he'll never recover. Today, we believe the overall levels of the drug, which are cumulative, have not reached that critical threshold. Are you with me so far?"

Sarah was so thunderstruck that it was nearly impossible for her to answer such a simple question. Who in Hell was this woman? In a shaky voice, so soft it could barely be heard, she said, "But I paid the best lab in America to examine everything ..."

"... everything in his apartment, including deodorant, toothpaste and vitamins," the woman interrupted. Continuing quickly, she said, "The bill came to a total of ten-thousand nine-hundred seventeen dollars and twelve cents, a significant portion of her pretax inheritance. There is nothing about Stephan or Sarah Tschetter, you dear, which we do not know."

"We?!" Sarah asked in a tiny squeak.

The woman sat back against the couch, sighing heavily. "That prt is a bit complicated. Without going into details, as there is no time, let me tell you this: I am with a group called the 'Knights.' It's a school of thought (ThoughtSchool), academia on a broad scale. I'll tell you up front there is another ThoughtSchool. We are both at odds in deciding how people should and should not be treated. The way your brother has been treated is definitely not from our ThoughtSchool. Each of us has our own agenda about how things are to be accomplished. Both groups are unseen, unheard, totally and undeniably invisible. We've been declared war upon, you see, differing ideologies at war against us by no fault of our own. It's all a matter of perspective -- and -- I'm not asking you to choose sides. Those that work for these two rival ThoughtSchools, give their lives over completely to 'Them-'," she held up her fingers to double-quote the word "Them." "These people will stop at nothing, cannot be stopped, so far, anyway, and will die before revealing their true identities."

The woman broke off as she noticed how deeply her words had affected Sarah. Sarah's chin had started quivering uncontrollably and, before the woman could inhale her next breath and utter reassurances, a well of tears gushed from Sarah's eyes. Her entire body began shaking in uncompromising spasms. Suddenly, Sarah was wailing, agaonized sobs robbing her breath. Though her teeth were clenched, the sound was forced through, all brought on by the horrible impact of profound guilt, the trigger-key pulled when the strange woman held up her fingers to double-quote the word, "Them."

Ellen Green was not heartless, though her compunctions of compassion had grown thin. After having worked with several families, victims of tragedy, whose loved ones had been so senselessly taken from them, she thought she recognized the signs of guilt in Sarah. Although a softer approach may have yielded more trusting relationships, Ellen's methods for spurring recovery had grown brutal. She had become increasingly impatient, feelings having no place in crisis. Feeling the sleepless night she had spent on the plane, Ellen struggled with cranky indifference and frustration. If her mission were to continue as planned then time was critical. There was little room for emotional outpourings of guilt. Making a decision, Ellen rushed over and grabbed Sarah by the shoulders, shaking her roughly. "Stop it! Stop it right now! We don't have time for this, Sarah. You can make peace with yourself and whatever gods you subscribe to later, after we save your brother. There are many like him! But if you don't collect yourself and come with me immediately, Stephan and many others will die!"

Her words were lost on Sarah, for she was swimming in a singular universe of pain and remorse. Stephan had already experienced a form of death in her mind. He was already gone. The woman standing before her only opened a door that Sarah had once shut, locked and nailed closed like a coffin.

The woman, Ellen Green, her face flushed with frustration, suddenly lifted her hand and slapped Sarah, hard, in a desperate attempt at warding off hysteria.

Sarah gasped, her body straightening as she lifted a shaky hand to her stinging cheek. Her eyes slowly lifted toward the stranger, burning with fury and hatred.

Noticing a sharp inhale and expecting more outbursts, Ellen quickly added new words to her many compelling reasons why Sarah needed to compose herself immediately. In fervent tones, her words a rush of seriousness, Ellen continued to deliver the urgent message she had promised at the door.

"Sarah, you could not have helped Stephan in the past. It took nearly a year for out top scientists -- arguably, the world's best -- to isolate these drugs. And the top intelligence-operatives in the world to isolate the methodology. There was no way you could have helped him. If we hurry, we can probably do something for him now. Time is of the essence!"

The statement seemed to pacify Sarah, though little. She began to breathe more regularly and the trembling in her limbs lessened, but the burdens she carried haunted her still.

Ellen backed away, rightfully reading the hostility her presence intimidated. Proven through trial and error, a stern approach had worked for her in the past and Ellen continued with that design. "Maybe you didn't understand me, Sarah. Before, there was nothing you could have done. Right now you can. Stephan needs you right now, this instant!" There is a private nurse waiting to meet us at the hospital. Get your ID, coat, mittens, whatever, and let's bring your brother home!" She emphasized the last word.

Sarah rose without a sound, nearly bowling Ellen over backwards. Wiping her eyes with the backs of her hands, Sarah tried speaking. A garbled sound emerged, her chin trembling too violently for words to be understood. Turning, she walked to the front door, collected her purse and coat from the rack and walked outside, leaving Ellen alone by the fire.

Ellen sighed, her head moving from left and right, saddened, angry and so very, very tired. She had been awake for nearly two days without any rest, so important was the mission she had embarked upon. A mission of tragic urgency, both to her and the ideological factions, "ThoughtSchools," for whom she worked. Being the holiday season it had been impossible to book an immediate flight by normal means. She had been forced to charter a private jet, at great expense to herself, reimbursement being probable but timely. The impromptu decision was an uncertain attempt, at best, to rescue yet another victim from the grips of her nemesis, "The Trident Family." For it must be "They" whom had done these monstrous acts, such unspeakable, cowardly things. She knew of no other groups proficient in gruesome acts of mental atrocity. Ellen entertained few doubts that Stephan Tschetter had been destroyed in yet another vile, odious, and despicable Trident operation.

(The many 'facets' of DECEPTION: and Stephan was just one, tiny element within a vast plot).

Composing her racing thoughts, Ellen Green walked out of the house, making sure to lock the door behind her. She faltered on the steps, startled that the rented Grand Prix she had left in the driveway was occupied. Surprisingly, she saw that Sarah had already buckled in to the passenger seat. Quickening her pace, she hopped in through the driver's side, urgency and speed returning to overwhelm her own sense of grief as she quickly started the motor. Moments later they were heading South, toward Fairfield, on a little two-lane highway through the snow, to rescue, if not too late, Sarah's brother, Stephan.

They drove in silence, Sarah's unspoken questions requiring the less demonstrative answers of silent denial. Occasionally, Ellen glanced in Sarah's direction, noticing the tears streaming down Sarah's face unaccompanied by sound.


Friday, November 25, 2005

Vulgar Lessons -pg3




December 21, 3:07AM
Undisclosed Location

There are far too many long days to count; there are countless days seemingly without end. As night finally approaches, the ever lengthening day only becomes darker. From this obscurity comes a whispering recognition, born upon the strengths of resounding purpose, some new irreptitious design. Common things, these. The transvolation of thought, pumping new life into the cold-blooded arteries of the conspiracy master, the maestro of ultra-secrecy and BlackOps, a genius of counterintelligence unlike the world has ever known:

The Legend.

And, The Legend is a woman.

Ann Smith.

Her names are endless and endlessly creative, galvanized by the same theme of perfidy and subversion, incapable of more heartfelt or intrigueing epistles. An "Ann Smith" operation is the name given to the mysterious, the unsolved, the anomalous. Legally operating intelligence organizations rely upon the "Ann Smith" parallels to explain rogue activities enacted by transgressed agents, fly-by-nioght lunatics and, (Shhh!) ... defectors. Her name is often used, countless times, associated with innumerable acts, no evidence ever necessary to correlate her identity with the crime itself. The mere mentioning of her pseudonym is sufficiently compromising as to exonerate and protect the dark secrets of the multifarious agencies comprising the intelligence enigma.

Ann Smith was a product of the shadowy network, procreated through the collision of conflicting ideologies. She was raised collectively; the direct result of stormy techniques, inspired madness and overwhelming deceit, by the overlords of corruption who had originally instigated her immaculate conception. The incorrigible Legend lives.

"Ann Smith" is unstoppably crafty and clearly unstoppable.

"Program," her sweet voice rang out as she talked into the tiny wireless microphone attached to the lap of her bathrobe. "Update. File. Aimes. Milner. CCC-Inc." Additionally abrupt commands could be heard in the sultry music that her vocal chords spontaneously crated, a gift, requiring no effort at all. "Access, Overlay, 219-470-317795." She sipped chamomile tea sweetend with orange blossom honey from a handmade mug while waiting for her directives to be obeyed. A flatscreen forty-inch Super VGA wall-monitor captured her eyes, her attention riveted to the screen as she carefully analyzed the voice recognition program that she had written herself. Ann considered the requirements of accuracy as mandatory while lesser skilled professional programmers had always left her with feelings of bitter disappointment.

To Ann, simple humans were, after all, simply human.

Nothing less than absolute perfection had ever been acceptable in Ann's mind. Perhaps it was her angelic features and extraordinary beauty -- yellow hair, voluptuous lips and athletic body -- which caused her to demand from others the perfection which nature had selectively granted her. In any case, her requirements were relentlessly pursued, both from subordinates -- for she worked for no one -- and from herself. Even contingency plans had always been orchestrated well in advance of most things she did, the maestro conducting light out of the darkness of unexpected chaos.

"Position. Row seventeen. Column forty. Enlarge. No cursor." The on-screen imaging increased in size, the code displayed being all but meaningless except to the most knowledgeable computer scientists and a few others, perhaps, comepetent in the art of artificial intelligence programming. In the far top-left corner of the screen was the statement, "Proprietary Software of CCC-Inc., Dr. Robert A. Milner, Developer, 'T-Displacement Generator Prototype, V1.1'."

Ann lifted her feet and placed them on the coffee table, her rabbit-eared bunny slippers curling with her toes, pink velvety noses and whiskers nodding in appreciation. The long anticipation-filled waiting was about to end; after two years of private meaneuvering, her truthful moments were about to pay, oh, so handsomely. "Observation" is a science unto itself, the likes of which have plauged the collective minds of philosophers and thinkers for multiple millennia. However, only "Ann" had thus far been capable in forcing the science to succumb to her manipulations in such an arty fashion.

"Cursor," she said, the flashing light suddenly appearing the moment she had spoken. "Append. Line 26001. Through 26012." The additional lines of higher-level computer language instantly appeared before the cursor position. "Edit. Line. 26012. Movement. Forward. Column. 47. Delete. End of Line. Insert. Hexidecimal. 4e, 6f, 76, 65, 6c, 20, 42,79-3a,0d, 0a, 20, 43, 6c, 61, 79, 74, 6f, 6e, 20,57,69,6e, 74, 6f, 6e. Compile. Save." Ann rattled the code off as swiftly she would the names of her parents -- if she had ever known them -- her heavenly voice not sounding strained nor forced. Her mind worked as rapidly as the machine she commanded, a Mozartian task fit to boggle a Rubik enthusiast.

"Run Program." Moments later, the ornate handmade mug slipped from her fingers. The chamomile and honey brew splashed onto her silk Mickey Mouse bathrobe, soaking through to her Goofy undergarments and soiling the Winnie-The-Pooh nightshirt she wore, all token reminders of the childhood she never had.

"Stop!" suddenly Ann yelled, as color flushed her flawless cheeks while her gasps for air only riped her bosom with heaves of shocking excitement and glory. "Oh my GOD!" she whispered, slowly rising from the Mini-Mushroom juvenile furniture where her greatest triumphs had been traditionally cast. Stumbling toward the giant wall-screen, she reached out with her impeccable fingers and caressed the image of genius so clearly displayed before her loving eyes. "Oh my GOD!" Ann whispered again, unable to contain her overhwhelming satisfaction. "Yes. Yes. Yes!" Ann ecstatically screamed while jumping up and down, filled with joy. As the destructive power of her incredible intellect bore witness of her emotions, her reason was threatened, a brimming of inner exultation.

On-screen, the worst scenario for disaster had been achieved, ultimately, imminent destruction if certain prerequisites were left unmet, all of which, she had devoted her entire life in planning and enacting. Dr. Milner's program, stole from the vault's of CCC-Inc laboratories, had been divinely troublesome, requiring of her more time and energy than she had ever hoped. Irrimittable plottings and machinations completed, and the final obstacles reduced to subjugation, Ann Smith had suddenly outperformed her own "Legend."

Five years of effulgent notions, an additional two years of pragmatical trials, and the Master's stage was set. All pawns and players were selected, trained and assigned to herculean tasks. Cover-stories and contingency plans had all been carefully invented and painstakingly primed for instant availability. Every aspect of the ensuing operation was invincibly tuned, rehearsed for the first and final performance, The Legend's greatest ever.

Speaking into her tiny microphone shaped in the guise of Godzilla's head, unable to mask her prideful glee, emotions gripping her voice and moistening her eyes, the inherent danger that epitomized "The Legend" issues a final command:

"Access. 219-470-317796. BEGIN COUNTDOWN."

The long awaited endless day of UNSTOPPABLE DECEPTION and subterfuge finally arrives.


Thursday, November 24, 2005

Vulgar Lessons - pg2


This novel would never have been possible without the encouragement, allegiance and fancy of several remarkable people. To Karen F., whom listened and heard; to my father; to my mom; my sister; but especially Marcus Mckibben, thank you Marcus, this one is for you. I love you all.

Clayton L. Winton

NK-June 1995


Cast Of Characters:

Trident Family - Ultra-secretive Operations Group. No mottos, no slogans.
Victor Kline - Leader of the Trident Family Control Group and personal friend of several Presidents.

Trident Family Control Group:

Victor Kline: father to the first lady, Elizabeth
Orem Knoble: renouned economic theorist
Albert Canton: Old(new)-money, oil-man
Elissa Pederson, very religious, old-money heiress
Bernice Seymore, religious extremist, also an old-money heiress

Knight Kingdom: secret group of Trident defectors. Knight Motto: Trip The Trident!

Senator Scotty Persons - Leader of the Knight Kingdom and a US Senator, has numerous powerful friends, including President Barrimore and Dr. Manny Lowe.

Knight High Council

Scotty Persons, Souther Senator
Perry Treadmore, Dir Ops/IRS cover in Spokane, WA., USA
Collier van Horn, elusive geriatric techno-punk
Ellen Green, Experimental medical/biogenetesistPsy Researcher
Sheila Pensky, wealthy neurosurgeon

Honorary Control Group Members: Sarah Tschetter and Stephen Tschetter

Ann Smith: Formidable freelance hi-tech thief and BlackOps operative
aka Anna Schmidt (as known by a certain nursing staff; Betty A., and the Tschetters)
aka Ashley Schmitt (as known by Bryant; old college crowd)

Director Terrance: Runs CCC.Inc., Compound and Trident Operative
Cornelius Aimes
Betty Aimes - married to Director Aimes
Linda Aimes-Swanstrom - daughter of Betty and Terri Aimes; married Trident Operative Bryant Swanstrom
Clarence - Twin brother to Director Aimes and ...
Copernicus Aimes, Trident Operative

Dr. Robert A. Milner : CCC.Inc research scientist, and inventor of time-displacement technology
Dr. Sandra Cravon : CCCC.Inc research scientist

Richard Harding : Administrative Assistant to Dir. Aimes and also an undecover operative of THE LEGEND, Ann Smith's employ.

John Huang : LAPD Detective; ex-lover of Ann Smith's
Susan Huang: Wife of Jon; murdered by Ann Smith

Adam Albright: Recruited by Ann Smith to be a 'patsy' to her operations

Stephen Tschetter: Past lover of and whose life was ruined by the Trident's Brian Swanson
Sarah Tschetter: Only sister of Stephan, seeks help of Knights in rescueing brother from unknowns
Tom Tschetter : Cult member, abandoned his kids to Stephan

Brian Swanson: Trident Family Operative: married Aimes' daughter
aka Bryant Swanstrom ... and ex-lover of Stephen T's

Billy Rodriquez : LAPD Ex-partner with Jon Huang
Sally Perez : Billy's live-in girlfriend

William Hodgkins : sold motorhome to Perry
Louise Hodgkins : wife of William


Phillip Roecks : Truck driver killed on I-10
and 'lil Teaser
Mrs. Margaret Roecks : Wife of Phillip
Joline Roecks : 10-yr old daughter
Paul Roecks : Youngest Roeck's child
Jase Roecks : Phil's brother (Montana)
Mary Schoenzenbach Ann's (Margaret's) sister (Salt Lake)


Dr. Manny Lowe : Claire Powell's neighbor, a psychiatrist
Dr. Michelle Strictland : Knight assistance researcher and double-agent
Glen Coe : public relations man at CDC in Atlanta, GA
Alexander Haynes : Post Master General


Stanley A. Barrimore : President of the United States of America
Elizabeth P. Kline-Barrimore : First Lady; daughter of Victor Kline

Randy North : Vice President
Claire Powell : First female Dep-Dir Intelligence, CIA
Warren Chambers : Director, CIA
Danny Morris : Director, FBI
David Heinz : #1 FBI man, West Coast
Arthur Tubbs : Economic advisor and aide to President Barrimore
James Borrows : Justice Department Examiner
Pete Williams : Governor of California
Lauren Hubbard : Western Regional Director, IRS
Phyllis McCreggor : Legal Counsel to the President
Marty Phelps : Legal aide to the President
Paul Hensmore : Attorney General
Douglas Bretz : Chairman, Joint Chiefs
Alexander Haynes : Post Master General

THE MEDIA PLAYERS : "Syndicated Liars"

Steve Newport : CBN News Commentator : "Meet Your Guest"
Allison Maxtor : CBN Correspondent
George Abel : CBN Correspondent
Barbara Ball : Leading CBN Commentator : "24-Hours"
Paul Salfer : Commentator : "Greet The Media"
Kerrie Marsailles : Commentator : "Greet The Media"
Ojawa Yamakoji : President of the CBN Network
Mark Hanning : TNB Correspondent
Charles Auston : CBN Chief Executive Officer

Joe Matts : Satelite TV station owner
Patrick Matts : son of Joe, cameraman and makeup artist

*some characters will not appear in all seven volumes


PART ONE: "Altercations"

from Victor Kline's Journal, Entry 1-3

The First Vulgar Lesson: also called, 'The Big Secret,' in intelligence, counter-intelligence, underground networking, dope smuggling, terrorist plotting and all forms of undercover functions and routines is, "Normality," the necessity to never appear 'secretive' in method or act. IN PLAIN SIGHT, onlookers must never perceive any covert action as unordinary, all acts must appear entirely commonplace, disciplined, and precisely ordinary. This lesson is fundamnetal to the success of any operation, foreign or domestic. All operatives must not, under any circumstances, draw attention toward themselves, nor the department, agency, organization, terrorist group, cult or cabal upon whose behalf they are acting.

The SECOND Vulgar Lesson: also called, "The Big Lie," in successful intelligence-operations is, "Deniability." In the event an operative is to be caught red-handed, the act must be immediately deniable, both the acts themselves and the presence of the accused. Alternative sets of believable circumstances should lie in waiting; each providing solid evidence that would justify and validate the operative's presence at the scene of detection. In addition, the organization must be prepared to deny knowledge of the incident, proving beyond ANY DOUBT, if need be, that the individual accused was NEVER an employee nor affiliate of the Controlling-Interest to ANY DEGREE.

The THIRD Vulgar Lesson: also called, "The Big Truth," is 'EXPENDABILITY,' the FACT that any person possessing knowledge of, or activities performed by, secret organizations and its members, is living on the BORROWED-TIME of that organization. Frankly, their lives are 100-percent expendable. To the organization, these individuals are the greatest risk and need be eliminated. This lesson applied to members and non-members alike, including current, -ex, and THE PUBLIC AT LARGE.

VulgarLessons - Vol.I of "The Paranoia Cycle"

"Vulgar Lessons" is Volume I of a seven volume set I have written over the past ten years, called, "The Paranoia Cycle," by me, the author, CLAYTON LEON WINTON.

The Parnoia Cycle, set in the present, is an exploration of inherent fear, manipulation by terror, through a shroud of secrecy, darkness and clandestine activity. Embark upon a spine-tingling journey of suspense, intrigue, conspiracy and deception. Final stop: PsychoSociety, on a perpetual ManicMonday, USA, PlanetHELL.

Volume I, Vulgar Lessons
Volume II, Brutal Honesty
Volume III, Tryst By Knight
Volume IV, Syndicated Liars
Volume V, Formula To Conspire (GenesisDeception)
Volume VI, The Incubator
Volume VII, Obscene Truths


Authors Note I:
The first two volumes were submitted for publication to Alfred A. Knopf publishers in 1996. I submitted to two other publishers and received one rejection slip. During this period of time, I was very involved in my regular work and moving around. It is unknown where the three original copies (other than the real 'original copies') are currently at, nor their publication status.


Authors Note II: Chronological Synopsis. This is several pages of 'queue-cards' for the reader, outlining time-chronology. It probably will not format in a blog correctly, but I will make an effort, perhaps later, but it is my intention to share with the reader several chapters from each of my volumes.


Acknowledgements: The author wishes to thank:

My pets for making me laugh
Jackie H. for advice with the original binding (and for always being so nice)
B. for technical insight into electronic paraphernalia
S. for inside govt info (sorry you broke the law by telling -- where are you?)
L. for a long-ago encounter with truth (what I've learned you wouldn't believe)
My Aunt Sue and Uncle Lloyd for all their unspoken acceptance
The architects that built the Post Office in downtown Spokane, WA., USA
Lori for her faith and love (I know it's still there)
M. for all the love and understanding (even when you didn't)
Mizar, Jumbo, Dharpa, Sai, Cheddar-Cheeser, and now Rhasta -- I miss you